Heather Blake
Chestnut Hill Nursery

Aaron Bryson
Wedgworth’s Inc. & Bryson Farms

Michael Cashwell
Garden Avenue Development

Juan David
PGIM Agricultural Investments

Courtney Davis
Gowan Seed Co.

Derek Hendrie
Lykes Bros. Inc.

Michael Hill
H&A Farms, Oak Hammock Farms, Florida Ag Care, Hill Ag Care, H&A Logistics

Phillip Hisey
On Top of the World Communities, LLC.

Perry Hollingsworth
Harplyn Inc.

Peter James
No Worries Property Maintenance, LLC

Carleton Johns
Tater Farms LLC

Alan Jones
Jones Potato Farm, Inc.

Charles Lanfier
Brandt Consolidated, Inc.

Silver Vase

Morgan McKenna
McKenna Bros. Inc.

Cory Mikell
H2O Mobile Lab

Heather Moehling
Robert Is Here, Inc.

Daisy Paez
Florida Crystals Corporation

Ryan Pavlik

Daniel Rifa
United States Sugar Corporation

J. Ryals
Ryals Cattle Company

Sara Sebring
Everglades Foods

Marshal Sewell
Seminis Vegetable Seed

Casey Simmons Runkles
E. W. Simmons Farms, Inc.

Erin Vermillion
Farm Credit of Central Florida

Philip Watts
Full Circle Dairy

Curt Williams
Florida Farm Bureau Federation